Our Automatic Water Pump Controller or Automatic Water Level Controller

Digital Model

digital automatic water pump controller

Our Digital Fully Automatic Water Pump Controlling device continuously monitors your water status in both tank and show the water level on the LCD Display and its start your pump automaticalywhen it goes empty condition. After your Over Hade Tank goes full, the LCD Display shows “TANK FULL” and Our controller stop your pump automatically. When the water level going low in your reservoir (SUMP), the controller not to start your pump and stop your pump automatically. For this condition our controller showing on LCD " Low SUMP". This feature protects your pump from Dry Run.

We have three different types of the model as per your pump type. Please see our three types of models and select your preferred model. The links are given below.

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Economy Model

automatic water level controller

Our Economy Models are Fully Automatic Water level Controlling device. It continuously monitors your water status in yours both Tank. It has no LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Display so this model cant show the water level and your pump running status and your reservoir water availability status but it has an LED indicator also. So you can easily monitor your pump ON / OFF status.

We have three different types of the model as per your pump type. Please see our three types of models and select your preferred model. The links are given below.

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Special Model

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As per our customer's requirement, we have made four Special Types of models except our Digital and Economy Models. Our all controllers ready for your all types of water pump and water tank. Please see these four Special Types of models and select your preferred model. The links are given below.

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